Leadership Team Covenant

It is an honor and privilege to be a part of the Storyline Leadership team and use our God-given gifts and talents to advance His kingdom. In our everyday lives and interactions, we are called to be an example of what it looks like to live deeply with God and others. We are committed to prayerfully charting Storyline’s course and executing its mission.


As leaders called to model godly relationships before one another and the church, we commit ourselves to:

  • Pray for one another and for the ministry of the church

  • Never speak ill of any member of the team

  • Resolve conflicts quickly and early, following the Matthew 18 model

  • Work through conflict at all cost

  • Model transparency and vulnerability

  • Forgive one another when offended and hold no grudges

  • Always support decisions of this team once they are made, unless a biblical, moral issue is at stake

  • Always be honest in meetings and never seek personal agendas

  • Never betray the confidence of the leadership team

  • Care for one another when a member is hurting


To reach people who are far from God. We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ. To reach people no one is reaching, we will do things no one is doing.


  1. Take it personally.
    How am I personally engaged in our mission and vision?

  2. Make it better.
    What am I doing personally to help us improve organizationally?

  3. Collaborate.
    Where am I leveraging my talents and skills?

  4. Replace ourselves.
    Who am I empowering?

  5. Stay fit.
    How am I taking care of myself spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and emotionally?

  6. Remain openhanded.
    How do I manage the tension triggered by new ideas, innovation, and change?

MY Lifestyle

As part of the Leadership Team, I am called by God to live a life that honors God and reflects His character. 

  • Maintain and grow in my personal life with Jesus, focusing on the importance of the regular disciplines such as bible reading, worship, service to others, and prayer.

  • I will honor God by being radically generous with my time and resources.

  • I will refrain from engaging in habits that are not consistent with biblical principles of a Christian lifestyle as generally understood by the Adventist Church.

MY Commitment

God deserves the very best I have to offer. I will honor him by serving to the best of my ability. I recognize that my place on the Leadership Team is of great importance and I will not take my responsibility lightly. I will:

  • Take initiative and look for ways to help and serve the church and community wherever and whenever I can

  • Serve with excellence, recognizing that my service is an act of worship

  • Support Storyline Church with my time, gifts and finances

  • Regularly attend the weekly worship services and other events

  • Attend our monthly Leadership team meetings

  • Attend our monthly Leadership team hangouts

  • Stand up against gossip and disunity